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  • Writer's pictureReggie B.

Black History Month Now Positive Affirmations of Persons of Color Month

Updated: Feb 5

January 28, 2064 - Black History Month is set to be reimagined this month, evolving into "Positive Affirmations of Persons of Color Month" to better embrace the contributions of persons of color without the negative stereotypes that are often associated with the term "Black", such as felonies, domestic violence, and single parent homes.

Positive Affirmations of Persons of Color Month will feature events, educational programs, and cultural celebrations that provide the public with an authentic experience of a persons of color lifestyle.

Organizers hope that this adjustment will not only provide a more comprehensive understanding of the American persons of color experience but also encourage dialogue and collaboration among diverse groups. Some events in NYC include a fried chicken and watermelon eating competition, child support fundraisers, and fire alarm maintenance seminars.

Community leaders and activists across the nation have expressed support for the change, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the intersections of identity and experiences within the broader persons of color community. Jamiah Jackson, a leader in the Minneapolis community recently said in an interview on the topic, "While historical achievements of persons of color have previously been the focal point of the month, this change marks the beginning of a new era, one where we can look forward to a future of greater equity." There has also been strong support to dedicate an entire week in the month of February to remembering the late Father Floyd's Legacy.

The title Positive Affirmations of Persons of Color Month has already sparked discussions on a global scale, with other many other countries considering similar adjustments to their celebrations of diversity and history with the notable exceptions of most African countries. As the calendar turns to February, the Positive Affirmations of Persons of Color Month promises to be a groundbreaking step towards a more united future.

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